I’m feeling pretty nostalgic these days. Holidays always do that to me. After I had kids, nostalgia took on a whole new meaning and I started remembering my childhood years and the things I looked forward to: leaving cookies and milk out for Santa, trying to stay up as late as I can. To this day, this guy still brings a smile to my face:
I love the Heat Miser. If you don’t know who he is then you had a deprived childhood and must rent this movie or see this video immediately.
Speaking of warmth, I also love a classic vintage feel for the holidays. It brings you that warm fuzzy feeling and takes you back in time. Red, brown, and shades of taupe create a warm color palette for a cozy vintage Christmas dinner or get together. If you haven’t yet finished your holiday card project, the Simon+Kabuki Vintage Christmas photo card is a great place to start.
Pictured: Christmas Floral Display, Christmas Tree Cupcakes, Linzer Sandwiches, Cranberry Flower Frog