I’ve always loved doing cute personalized Valentine’s for my kids. I always included their picture and then attached it to a glassine envelope with candy inside to hand out at school. Now that my kids are out of elementary school it’s no longer cool to give those kinds of Valentines. I still think planning a party for them and a small group of friends would be fun. I’d start off with a homemade invitation that can be mailed and then I’d go out and buy our new Simon+Kabuki Valentine Party Set. We could do the iron/crayon hearts since they are old enough to use the iron themselves. We could also spend a lot of time in the kitchen making some great treats. They could bring them all home in the cute PotteryBarn Kids felt envelopes or you could even make them yourself if you have the time. Plus once they are a little older they can help with set up and clean up, while I sip lemonade out of a cute mason jar, my kind of party!


Looking for some fun Valentine’s gifts for your kids? Check out our Think Pink collection at Frecklebox.com.


Crayon Hearts, S+K Party Dishes, Heart Envelope, Think Pink, Bakerella Pops, Straws and Cupcakes, Mason Jars