diy: road trip with kids

I am in an empowering mood today. A lot of challenging things have come my way lately and in order to avoid being swallowed up I have begun the habit of waking up in the morning with game face on ready to hit the ground running. So today’s DIY is about knowing...

designer kids: n is for nursery

I procrastinated on getting my first baby’s nursery ready. Not the wisest plan, since he could have come early (he was late) or I could have been too big (I was fine), but I think I work best under pressure. And I lean towards a state of denial sometimes (baby? What...

diy: don't trash it, paint it

I love to clear clutter and be organized. The joke around my house is you need to guard your drink glass because mommy will take it and wash it before you are done with it. Or mommy will recycle the newspaper before anyone gets a chance to read it. Every once in a...

designer kids: cut the clutter

You know how every house has that certain room that you explain to guests as the “junk” room, and you keep the door closed and act like there is toxic waste inside? That’s my son’s room. It is smaller in size with a whole lotta stuff, so...

designer kids: do you live with a tiny dinosaur?

These are the shoes that my kid wants to wear every single day. Seriously, it has been more than a year now and needless to say that I have had to replace them a few times. They are from Weboo Kids and they come in different colors and lots of cute styles. The kid is...

MILFy Monday: Love is in the air

Part of my feels like Valentine’s Day (hereafter referred to as VD, cuz I just can’t help myself) is an engineered holiday invented by florists and stationery companies to beef up business. And the less cranky part of me loves to do something fun for my...

friday favorites: last minute valentine ideas for kids

I usually look at Valentines Day in this way: Besides it being a slightly cringe-worthy holiday, you know that each one of your kids have at least 30 classmates that they need to honor in the form of a small folded Valentine and how the heck am I going to fit this in...

Designer Kids – personalizing your Kids Rooms

I decided to do a post on how to add personal touches to your kids room decor. It was not easy because they are slobs, so I had to photograph very creatively. I also had fun using some cool apps on my iphone to enhance the photos. There was not a magic app to clean...

friday favorites: indoor swings

My seven year old daughter (budding designer) was sketching ideas for her “Big Bedroom Re-Do 2011”. Nevermind that it has only been a year that we last decorated it. She drew a puffy chair hanging from the ceiling and told me it was a swing and pretty...

Designer Kids – Valentine Projects

I love receiving fun Valentine’s Day projects from my kids but I don’t always love the rushed glue and glitter projects that they do at school. Sometimes it is hard to do something worthy at a 20-minute station, especially when they really just want to get...

it’s about time!

I have a tendency to be late. All the time. I think there was an unconscious effort on my part to correct this by having a clock in every room in my house. I never really made this connection until a friend pointed it out to me: how can you always be late when you...

holiday fun with kids

December is the time of year when you and the little ones in your life can get reacquainted with holiday traditions, or maybe start a new one. It is fun to get kids into making a project that they can look forward to each year. Especially when the weather is freezing...