When I was in college I thought I would be getting a degree in photography. Along the way I learned that my real interest was graphic design, thanks to an astute photography teacher who noticed I always combined words with my photos. I don’t have as much time for photography anymore unless you count taking pictures of your kids at their birthdays and other gatherings or sports events. Today I decided to take pictures of little vignettes of things around my house using my iPhone. I love all of the photography apps for the iPhone. It allows me to be creative without a darkroom, does anyone work in a darkroom anymore?! I am just an amateur but my son has inherited my love of photography and he can create magic just with his iPhone!

Here are the apps on my phone and I’ve used some of them in the photo collages:

Pic Collage and Frametastic – used both of these making my collages. These are also great for doing blog posts with Pin Boards

ColorSplash – allows you to color just one part of the photo, perfect for flowers

OldPhotoPro – change images to sepia, antique looking, perfect for a western look

Vintage Cam – has several different filters to play with

TiltShiftGen – makes things look like tiny models, so awesome!

Hipstamtic – gives images a vintage-y feel with lots of filters

Some of these I have not tried yet but my daughter’s play around with them: PS Express, Instagram, Tiny Planets, ToonPaint, Color Canvas, Lo-Mob, MoreMono, MoreLomo, SlowShutter, SketchMe, 360, iMajiCam, INPoke

Of course you can get all of these apps through iTunes. What are your favorites? Any tips or tricks? I’d like to find a collage app with a little bit more flexibility, if anyone has one they love let me know.